Ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ
About photos & images
Recent Photographs
The photographs displayed on this site are originals taken specifically for on the dates noted. Click on photographs to see full size versions.
Do Not Enter or Entry Prohibited signs are always respected, as are any areas that are gated or roped off and what is clearly private property. (Research is undertaken in advance of a visit to try and be sure). Please do the same if you plan on visiting these locations.
Aerial Photographs
Aerial photographs are used to show how each ski area might have looked when open, including location of the lifts.
• The positions of ski lifts have been added when they are have been confirmed
• If the exact position of any ski lifts cannot be confirmed with confidence, they have not been added
• The availability of suitable aerial images varies. As much as possible, the images used are from when the ski area was active, but that has not been possible in every case. Some are from before the ski area opened or after it closed.
• The year noted on the aerial photograph refers to the year that the photograph was taken.
• Lift configurations do not always coincide with the date of the aerial photograph.
• All original images have been used with permission.
• All text and lift information has been added to the original images.
Google Content
All Google content is more recent. Dates are generally shown on the images.
Google Earth images have been prepared to show the ski area from base.
Google Street View images have also been prepared to show the ski area from base, or from the closest possible location if Google Street View doesn’t extend to the actual base.
Google Maps images show the location of the ski area. Icons are at the base, or as close as possible with a text note above the map.