Ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ

Family Skijo

Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture

ファミリースキー場オース 福井県福井市

Family Skijo オース was a ski area located to the east of central Fukui City in what used to be Miyama Town. The full name of the ski area in Japanese was ファミリースキー場オース but it is unclear how the last part of the name should be written in English characters. One reason why the name is a mystery is… because the ski area never actually opened! The facility was built in 1994 and was officially abandoned in 2007 but during that period it did not officially open… not even for one day.

Family Skijo(ファミリースキー場オース)
Built in 1994
But it never opened!
Abandoned in 2007
Base elevation
Top elevation
Steepest slope
Number of courses
Longest run
Skill level
Ski / board
Ski lifts
1 lift
Rope tow 300m
Night skiing
4 floodlights were installed for night skiing

Further Information

  • This ski area is surely unique in that it was built and was ready to go, but it never actually opened
  • It was built in 1994 in what was then Miyama Town  美山町
  • The project was allocated a total budget of 255.17 million yen
  • According to the same official sources, the ski facilities were built for 137 million yen
  • A state subsidy of 40,786,000 yen was used along with a prefecture subsidy of 20,393,000 yen
  • One rope tow lift was prepared along with a 180m long course
  • There were also four floodlights and a car park for 20 vehicles
  • So why did it not open?
  • It appears that the steep access road only had a width of 4m and.... was not passable when it snowed (!)
  • For various reasons maintenance on the facilities did not continue and over time they became unusable
  • Miyama Town merged with Fukui City  福井市  in March 2006, further complicating matters
  • Part of the land was leased and rent of 2.33 million yen a year had to be paid with cumulative payment exceeding 30 million yen
  • Such payments became a heavy burden on Fukui City and so the ski area was officially abolished in March 2007
  • There seems to have been all sorts of controversy surrounding the project, mainly due to the wasteful use of public funds
  • At least some of the subsidies were refunded
  • The name of the ski area was ファミリースキー場オース
  • No record of the name written in English characters can be found
  • The first part  ファミリースキー場  basically means 'family ski area'
  • However no information can be found regarding the meaning of  オース
  •  (Oath??)
  • The Fukui Moto Park  福井モトパーク  off-road motorbike course can now be found where the ski slope used to be

Google Earth

Google Street View

Google Maps

  • About 20km to the east of central Fukui City

  • About 12.5km from the Ono IC exit of the Chubu Jukan Expressway

  • About 18km from the Fukui IC exit of the Hokuriku Expressway

  • About 8.5km from Kowashozu Station on the Etsumi Hokusen line

  • 中部縦貫自動車道 大野ICから的12.5km

  • 北陸自動車道 福井ICから的18km

  • 越美北線 小和清水駅から的8.5km 

This page was created in September 2020
Last updated on 11th August 2022
2020年9月 作成 2022年8月11日 更新