SnowJapanHistory スノージャパン ヒストリー
A look back at ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ


Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture

牧寄スキー場 長野県白馬村

Makiyose was a ski area in the Shiojima neighbourhood of Hakuba Village in the northern region of Nagano Prefecture. Makiyose opened in 1962 and closed after less than a decade of operations in 1969. The single ski lift at Makiyose remains in place but it has been swallowed up by more than 50 years of natural growth, providing some very striking images. In recent years cross country and snow shoe tours have been held on this hill, and the old ski area has become something of a historical monument reminding us of a past era. The photographs on these pages were taken in May 2020 and April 2021.

Makiyose Ski Area, Hakuba(白馬牧寄スキー場)
Base elevation
About 810m
Top elevation
About 900m
About 90m
Steepest slope
Number of courses
Longest run
Up to 1000m
Skill level
Ski / board
100% / 0%
Closed before snowboarding was popular in Japan
Ski lifts
1 lift
Single 700m
The abandoned ski lift remains
Night skiing
There was no night skiing at Makiyose


Below is a selection of the photographs taken over two visits to Makiyose in May 2020 and April 2021.
The complete sets of photographs and more information can be found on these pages:

Photographs from May 2020 (48 photos)
Photographs from April 2021 (76 photos)

May 2020

 April 2021

Further Information

  • Makiyose Ski Area opened in 1962
  • It was located on the hillside between the Shiojima neighbourhood 塩島区  and Ochikura Kogen  落倉高原, to the east of Hakuba Iwatake ski area and south of the Tsugaike Kogen ski area
  • The southerly facing ski slope provided beautiful views over Hakuba village and the Hakuba Iwatake and Hakuba Happo-one ski areas
  • Hakuba Iwatake Ski Area 白馬岩岳スキー場 (now known as Hakuba Iwatake Snow Field 白馬岩岳スノーフィールド) dates back to 1952
  • It was originally known as Nishiyama Ski Area 西山スキー場 and home to the first proper ski lift in Hakuba - and the fifth ski lift in Japan - complete with wooden towers
  • Makiyose Ski Area was developed as the skiing scene in Hakuba was becoming increasingly popular
  • The hill that became the ski slope was originally used as a kayaba  茅場 (カヤ場), growing plants and reeds used for thatching
  • When the ski area was open a bus from Shinano Moriue Station 信濃森上駅 on the Oita train line took skiers close to the ski lift
  • The journey took 20 minutes and cost 20 yen, and the ski lift was a further 10 minute walk from the bus stop
  • Makiyose Ski Area featured one single 700m ski lift
  • A ride on the ski lift cost 45 yen
  • Apparently at one time there was also a 200m rope tow lift that cost 10 yen per ride
  • A ski rental set cost just 600-700 yen
  • Makiyose also had a ski school - lessons cost 400 yen for a day and 250 yen for a half day; a private group lesson for three people cost 2000 yen
  • Some local downhill ski race events were held at Makiyose in what was known as the 'kilometre run' キロメートルラン
  • The last event to be held was the Hakuba Village Community Centre ski event  白馬村公民館のスキー大会
  • Makiyose was not the easiest place to get too and that was probably the biggest reason for its short life span
  • It was not able to survive the growing popularity of nearby ski areas as they grew in size
  • By most accounts, including an official history book published by Hakuba village, the ski lift at Makiyose last operated in March 1969 and the associated ski school (offering lessons elsewhere?) closed in 1973
  • As such, the inclusion of Makiyose in a 1972 ski guide book is curious - it describes Makiyose as an anaba 穴場  (a little known spot; a good unknown place; a hidden jewel) of the Hakuba region - and as the lift being 400m in length
  • In 2021 the ski lift, complete with cables, remains in place
  • The base of the lift is found about 20m off the main track, but even in spring it can be hard to spot as it is surrounded in trees and undergrowth
  • A pile of individual detached ski lift chairs and two small buildings can also be found within 100m of the ski lift
  • Various snow shoe tours, trekking and cross country activities are now held in this area
  • The Ochikura Kogen Back Country Field  落倉高原バックカントリーフィールド  operation has signs and maps dotted around the upper areas of the hill; these signs mention the old ski area by name
  • Makiyose can be approached from that Ochikura Kogen area or from the side of Kusu river  楠川  in the Shiojima area (close to Route 148)
  • Photos on this page are from a visit in May 2020 (approach from Shiojima area)
  • Photos on this page are from a visit in April 2021 (approach from Ochikura Kogen area)

Google Earth

Google Street View

Google Maps

The icon on the below image shows the approximate location of the base of the lift



Located in the Shiojima neighbourhood of Hakuba Village.
About 53km from the Azumino IC exit of the Nagano Expressway.
About 43km from the Itoigawa IC exit of the Hokuriku Expressway.
The Shiojima track entrance is about 1km from Shinano Moriue Station on the Oito line.
長野自動車道 安曇野ICから的53km
北陸自動車道 糸魚川ICから的43km
大糸線 信濃森上駅から的1km

Currently operating ski & snowboard resorts in the region

Hakuba Iwatake Snow Field  白馬岩竹スノーフィールド 2km
Tsugaike Kogen  栂池高原 3km
Hakuba Happo-one  白馬八方尾根 5km
All currently operating ski areas in the Hakuba region
All currently operating ski areas in Nagano Prefecture

This page was created in May 2020
Last updated on 12th August 2022
2020年5月 作成 2022年8月12日 更新