Ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ
Berg Yogo
Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture
ベルク余呉スキー場 滋賀県長浜市
Berg Yogo is a ski area located in the northern region of Nagahama City in Shiga Prefecture. It is close to the border with Fukui Prefecture and owned by the same company as the nearby Yogo Kogen Resort Yap. A shared lift ticket for both was available and at one time there were plans to phyically connect the two ski areas. Berg Yogo closed in 2010 and currently officially remains just ‘closed’, though there is no sign of a revival.
Opened 開設 |
2001 | |
Closed 閉設 |
2010 | |
Base elevation 標高最低 |
500m | |
Top elevation 標高最高 |
780m | |
Vertical 標高差 |
280m | |
Steepest slope 最大斜度 |
30° | |
Number of courses コース本数 |
5 | |
Longest run 最長滑走距離 |
1,600m | |
Skill level 初級・中級・上級 |
beginner 60% intermediate 10% advanced |
Ski / board スキー・ボード |
70% / 30% [2001] | |
Ski lifts リフト本数 |
4 lifts (at one time) | |
Quad | 552m | |
Pair | 239m | |
Pair | 928m | |
Pair | 837m | |
Lift facilities remain in place | ||
Night skiing ナイター設備 |
There was no night skiing |
Further Information
Google Earth
Google Street View
Google Maps
About 2km off Route 365 in the northern area of Nagahama City in Shiga Prefecture, close to the border with Fukui Prefecture
About 24km from the Kinomoto IC on the Hokuriku Expressway
About 21km from Yogo Station on the Hokuriku Honsen line
北陸自動車道 木之元ICから的24km
北陸本線 余呉駅から的21km
All currently operating ski areas in Shiga Prefecture (
This page was created in July 2020
Last updated on 12th August 2022
2020年7月 作成 2022年8月12日 作成