Ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ

SnowJapanHistory is an affectionate look back at ski areas from Japan’s past. Currently, there are about 500 operating ski areas in Japan, all of which are introduced in detail on Over the years, about 900 ski areas have been scattered across the Japanese mountains. Many are no longer with us for one reason or another, but each deserves to be remembered. SnowJapanHistory introduces the lost ski areas of Japan with statistics, background stories and information, aerial photographs and location details. [More about this site]

SnowJapan.comは 25年以上にわたり日本のスキー場を英語で世界に紹介してきました。このSnowJapanHistoryでは、過去の日本のスキー場を感謝を込めて振り返ります。現在 29都道府県スキー場 316件を掲載。うち、スキー場211件4338枚の写真掲載。最新更新 2025年3月25日このサイトについて

316 old ski areas in 29 prefectures and 4338 recent photos from 211 locations are currently introduced on SnowJapanHistory
Updated on 25th March 2025

  • SnowJapanHistory is a work in progress (listings are not yet complete)

  • SnowJapanHistoryは進行中のプロジェクトです(リストはまだ完成していません)