SnowJapanHistory スノージャパン ヒストリー
A look back at ski areas from Japan’s past 過去の日本のスキー場を懐かしむ


Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture

宝生スキー場 新潟県糸魚川市

Houshou was a ski area located in the southern region of Itoigawa City in Niigata Prefecture, close to the border with Otari Village in Nagano Prefecture. There were two single lifts at Houshou. It closed way back in 1976. The building of a dam at the location and decades of trees and natural growth make it difficult to now imagine ski runs in this location.

Houshou Ski Area(宝生スキー場)
Base elevation
About 350m
Top elevation
About 580m
About 230m
Steepest slope
Number of courses
Longest run
About 1,400m
Skill level
Ski / board
100% skiers
Ski lifts
2 lifts
Single 437m
Single 400m
The ski lift mechanisms have been removed
At least some concrete foundations remain


Taken in April 2021

Further Information

  • Very limited information could be found about this old ski area, but a visit to the area in April 2021 has made a some things clearer...
  • Houshou opened in 1963 and closed in 1976
  • Houshou is located by the side of Otokoro River 大所川  and Prefecture Road 505 (which continues on beyond the location of the ski area to Renge Onsen  蓮華温泉)
  • About 1.5km along the road west of Hiraiwa Station 平岩駅 there is small track on the left hand side
  • This is the entrance to what used to be Houshou
  • What looks like the concrete remains of a ski lift tower can be seen by the side of the track (see 5th photo above)
  • The lower ski lift cut through the track in a few places
  • A 10-15 minute walk along the winding track takes you to a 'sabo dam' (check dam) that has been built since Houshou Ski Area closed
  • In the area above the dam, the concrete foundations of a ski lift can just about be seen about 30-50m deep in the trees
  • That is what remains of the top of the lower ski lift!
  • There were two single ski lifts at Houshou, as can be seen on the above aerial image from 1976
  • The top of the lower lift and the base of the upper lift were close to each other and the remains of the second lift can also be found nearby
  • This was effectively the central section of the ski area
  • There was also a building close to the second lift
  • The remains of the chair lifts can be found in the concrete foundation of that building
  • All of these remains are now engulfed in decades of undergrowth and trees
  • Other than a few small clearings, it is difficult to imagine ski runs in this location
  • The upper area in particular seems quite steep and apparently there was a 40 degree slope
  • ...Houshou was very likely not for beginners!
  • In a ski guide book from 1975 this ski area was listed as Himekawa Onsen Houshou  姫川温泉・宝生スキー場
  • Himekawa Onsen  姫川温泉  is the name of the onsen hot springs around Hiraiwa Station
  • The guide book says that the ski area was specifically built for visitors to the hot springs
  • It also mentioned that each ski lift cost 50 yen to ride, and a ticket for six rides cost 250 yen

Google Earth

Google Street View

Google Maps



Located to the south of the main central area of Itoigawa City and just to border with Otari Village in Nagano Prefecture.
About 21km from the Itoigawa IC exit of the Hokuriku Expressway.
About 1.2km from Hiraiwa Station on the Oito line.
北陸自動車道 糸魚川ICから的21km
大糸線 平岩駅から的1.2km

Currently operating ski & snowboard resorts in the region

Itoigawa Seaside Valley  糸魚川シーサイドバレー 18km
Hakuba Cortina  白馬コルチナ 23km
All currently operating ski areas in Niigata Prefecture
All currently operating ski areas in Nagano Prefecrure

This page was created in May 2020
Last updated on 11th August 2022
2020年5月 作成 2022年8月11日 更新